We're looking for sessions that will be fun... counter-intuitive... useful... interactive... engaging. Sessions will be an hour, tops, but could be shorter. Feel free to propose anything: teaching your group to play "Smoke on the Water" on ukeleles, talking about customer acquisition while playing poker, or raising seed capital while walking around the harbor.
We're open to any topic ideas from any kind of person in any corner of the world. Ideally stuff that adds to the sessions already on the agenda, but doesn't cover too much of the same ground. A hint about what we're not looking for: PowerPoint presos you've given before, canned speeches, pitches for a particular product/company. And we tend to be a bit biased towards do-ers as speakers (founders, designers, CTOs, HR execs... as opposed to consultants and "gurus.")
Share your idea in the comments here, or e-mail scott - at - nantucketconference.com... Let us know who you are; what your session would be called; and a bit about what you plan to do.
We'll post green-lit sessions here, once they're green-lit...
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