Hard to believe we are in the final stages of planning the 2010 Future Forward gathering... which was first held in Woodstock, Vermont in October 2001.
Our speakers back then included inventor Dean Kamen... iRobot co-founder Helen Greiner, whose company had not yet gone public... NH governor Jeanne Shaheen, now a senator from the Granite State... VT governor Howard Dean, before he ran for President... an executive from Groove Networks, before Microsoft acquired it... Michael Phillips of SpeechWorks, before the company was acquired by ScanSoft (now Nuance), and before Phillips went off to start Vlingo... and Todd Dagres of Battery Ventures, before he launched Spark Capital. (In the photo is Greiner, getting ready to toss one of iRobot's Packbots down the stairway of the swanky Woodstock Inn, to demonstrate its durability.)
We're looking for your help in filling out the agenda for the 2010 event, taking place November 4th at the Wellesley College Club, in a few ways:
- With the Future Forward GameChanger campaign, you can nominate a company to demo as part of the conference's famed Demo Session.
- We're looking for "normal" (IE, not especially techie) high school and college students to talk about how they use technologies like mobile phones, TV, laptops, iPods, videogames, etc.
- We're looking for entrepreneurs or executives who can talk about the strategic use of data: what technologies are they developing or using that can help them extract useful intelligence from a sea of information?
- We're looking for the next great robotics business hatching in New England (or a technology being developed in a lab).
You could either post a comment here, or e-mail scott at future forward dot com. For the GameChanger nominations, use this link.
(Since the event is designed especially for founders, investors, senior tech execs, and researchers, and is limited in size, we have devised this pretty simple process to request an invitation to Future Forward.)
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